Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Wings of Summer

When all but one summer day is left thundering here
I lean inward, and see you, wings folded in a loose shirt
Walking on my clean floor. Evening breezes are gentle
And cool, in a place autumn wind does not reach

Where are you from? Like a fireball, you make the metals in me shine
And tinkle, now left, now right… We hover
Over a crowd of strangers, in circles and spirals, … Ah, summer
Happiness attacking my heart, how do you enchant me so much?

Oh, higher, let us watch like birds. Look, a world
Of tiny hearts, wriggling. Look, there—
Our fated homeland. Ah, summer wants to ripen all the fruits
Below! Look, the fall wind is climbing over the snow mountains

Ah, why aren’t you the grand dream of a spider, all your life
Wearing ill-fitting clothes? Ah, why aren’t you a butterfly
Within a butterfly? In your warm body, there is sadness cold as water
Hot will turn cold. Ah, in the glimmer of your fire, I want to put on

A pair of summer wings! Following you, like a fireball
Collecting all the fleeting rays of the summer day, to make a song
Oh, my wings, see me leave the ground, elevate, choose a
Direction. Why do I find in your name the moon of my life?

-Zheng Danyi

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