Sunday, April 25, 2010


Seven indications that you may be feeling unreasonably irritable:

1. This afternoon's birthday party fills you with feelings of dread.

2. You stop speaking to your husband because he sprayed herbicides on the lawn.

3. You refuse to pick up the phone when it rings.

4. All of the slow-moving people at the market irritate you.

5. Your daily poem from seems trite.

6. You wish that Buddhists would stop shaving their heads.

7. It's a beautiful sunny day, but you are inside typing on the computer.

Image via Aela


  1. the lighter side of your day

    1. You weren't the one getting older, someone else only get wiser

    2.hmmm...herbicides are awful I would stop speaking to my husband time tell him you'll withhold sex, lets see if he sprays that poison again..

    3.Sometimes a clear mind and not talking are better anyway it was most likely a telemarketer on the phone wanting to solicit money

    4.slow moving people are irritating....

    5.Tomorrow you'll think your poem was clever..

    6.Its a good thing Buddhist monks do shave their heads, leaves more hair product for the rest of us...

    7.If you would've gone outside the huge migratory bird that was flew over your house today would've dropped the most giant poop in history right at the top of your head in front of the most handsome man you've ever seen, instead he dropped it on your nosy neighbor...good thing you stayed inside

  2. Monk - I found your comment this morning, you had me rolling with laughter. Thank you!


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