Monday, May 3, 2010

sharks in the rivers

I say to a friend, how scared I am of sharks.
How I thought I saw them in the creek
across from my street.

I once watched for them, holding a bundle
of rattlesnake grass in my hand,
shaking like a weak-leaf girl.

She sends me an article from a recent National Geographic that says,
Sharks bite fewer people each year than
New Yorkers do, according to Health Department records
Then she sends me on my way. Into the City of Sharks.

Through another doorway, I walk to the East River saying,
Sharks are people too.
Sharks are people too.
Sharks are people too.

I write all the things I need on the bottom
of my tennis shoes. I say, Let's walk together.

The sun behind me is like a fire.
Tiny flames in the river's ripples.

Excerpt from “Sharks in the Rivers”
by Ada Limón

Image via

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